Sunday mornings consist of Sunday School for children and teens, and Adult Bible Classes for adults. These classes begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. Lessons are planned according to the appropriate age group. At 10:30, our morning worship service begins. The main focus of this service is the expository preaching of God’s Word.
In addition to the Sunday morning services, we have a fellowship luncheon and afternoon service that begins at 12:45 p.m. This service meets the first and third Sunday of the month, so be sure to check the schedule for the dates of these services. We also have a Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer meeting at 7:00. Simultaneous with the Bible study and prayer meeting, we have a children’s program for kids age 4 through 6th grade during the school year.
A beautiful, clean, well-staffed nursery is available for children from birth to 3 years old. Parents can rest assured that their most valued treasures will be well cared for during the service.
Junior Church
During our 10:30 worship hour, we dismiss all of the children 4 years old through the 4th grade to go to a service that is planned just for them. They will learn a Bible lesson, sing Bible songs, hear a missionary story, and play games. Junior Church is taught by folks who really love children and know how to relate to them. Our CBC kids love Junior Church, and we trust yours will, too!
What to Wear
Community Baptist Church does not have a dress code for its members or our guests. Our leaders and teachers as well as many of our church family wear the traditional “Sunday best.” We want you to be comfortable when you visit Community Baptist Church.
As our guest, we want you to feel no obligation to put anything in our offering plate. It is passed for those who are regular attenders of our church who worship through giving.